[MHN] Movie 'Avengers' series continue to achieve success and abilities of movie characters are getting attentions.

The Avengers characters use martial art skills and transcendental abilities to keep the world's peace.

Marvel fans have the curiosity of the strongest hero with strongest ability and showed each different opinion. There MHN introduce abilities of main characters in movie.


1. Doctor Strange

By using transparent ability, move through walls and buildings, communicate anywhere using telepathy and have power of foreseeing the future. Also, by using agamotto eye, Doctor restores the time and space or bankrupt.


2. Hulk

Once, Hulk get angry, adrenalin rapidly produces and Bruce Banner changed to green monster, which has basically 100t power and the power gets stronger along with the level of anger. With one jump Hulk go through atmosphere and can jump from one planet to another planet. Also has high regenerative power that his skin gets recovered soon even with scars.


3. Thor

Thor, the son of Arsgard greatest God Odin, with the ability to control thunder and weather, with the strongest physical ability and martial art skills. His main weapon is Mjölnir (Hammer) which has the explosive power that even knocks out Ironman and Hulk.


4. Spider-Man

Spider-Man appeared the first time on 'Avengers-Infinity War' has weaker power compared to Hulk with its power the main weapon, but has the superhuman strength of holding 10t. Also, Spider-Man has the ability of holding on any wall along with power and speed, and the reflexes of even catching the bullets and ability to detect the danger with spider's sense.


5. Scarlet witch

Her main ability is dreadful psychokinesis. By using chaos magic, creates concrete space with magical words and magic, and sometimes destroy the reality of the target with reality warping.


6. Iron-Man

 Iron-Man has no special super power but with his own-created suits using science, gives Stark the superhuman strength and flying ability. Iron-Man can attack and defend himself using 'Hand Repulsor' and uni-beam from the chest can even melt the steel. He attach extra weapon up to situation and his helmet connected to computers around the world provides him any information he wants.


7. Captain America

Captain American is the character who go this super power with 'Super Soldier program' with the super strength of bench pressing 540kg and running 1.6km in a minute, and high level of immunity not infected by normal diseases. Also, his shield made of vibranium, which absorb every energy and bouncing back, and adamantium, the strongest material that human can make' gives bigger strength on him.


8. Hawkeye

One can misunderstand that Hawkeye is only talented on bow handling skills. However, her animalistic physical ability and archery skills with 100% accuracy rate, and combat ability with the eye that catches the movement of enemy, dangerous situation and wartime condition has dreadful impact.


9. Black Widow

She has the super combat ability and proficient on infiltration, murdering, sniping and other tactical strategies as she worked as a spy. Also, she is an expert of martial art skills including acrobat, garate, kung fu, judo and boxing, and with widow's bite band has her own way of tactical strategies.


Heroes in the movie has their own characteristic tactic strategies. These unique combat skills give spectacles and fun to audience, creates large fanbase and leads to be listed on box-office, and increase expectations on 'Avengers 4' planned on 2019.


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