봉퐁에 20만 명 대피
14일 필리핀 중부의 동사마르주에 상륙해 막심한 피해
빈민가 사람들 피해가 막심

A fallen crucifix, Alren BERONIO/AFP
A resident clears a street of debris next to a crucifix blown from the church after it was destroyed at the height of Typhoon Vongfong in Arteche town, Eastern Samar province on May 15, 2020, a day after the typhoon hit the town. - Typhoon Vongfong has dumped heavy rains and torn off roofs since it roared ashore on central Samar island May 14, with hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people in its path on the coast or in flimsy homes.

[문화뉴스 MHN 서민종 기자] 필리핀은 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19)의 신규 확진자가 하루 200명대를 유지하고 있는 가운데 15일 오전 9시(한국시간) 기준 필리핀의 코로나19 확진자 수는 11,618명으로 집계가 되었다.

이런 와중에 지난 14일 태풍 봉퐁(Vongfong)이 필리핀을 덮칠 것이라는 예상에 필리핀 보건부는 해안가와 산악지역 주민 20만 명을 대피시켰다고 밝혔다.

하지만 태풍 봉퐁은 시속 155㎞(순간 최대 풍속 시속 190㎞)의 강한 바람 때문에 빈민가에 있는 많은 건물들을 파괴했다. 특히 필리핀 중부의 동사마르주에 상륙해 막심한 피해를 주어 많은 수재민들이 생겼다.

필리핀 보건부는 이 대규모 이재민들이 학교와 체육관 등에 한꺼번에 모일 경우 코로나19 집단발병이 일어날 수도 있다는 판단에 대피소를 추가로 확보하는 등 긴장을 늦추지 않고 있다.

Flooding, Melchor Hilotin/AP
Residents wade along a flooded village caused by typhoon Vongfong as it passed by Sorsogon province, eastern Philippines on Friday May 15, 2020. More than 150,000 people were riding out a weakening typhoon in emergency shelters in the Philippines on Friday after a mass evacuation that was complicated and slowed by the coronavirus.
Destroyed houses, Alren BERONIO/AFP
Residents try to salvage belongings amongst their houses destroyed at the height of Typhoon Vongfong in San Policarpio town, Eastern Samar province on May 15, 2020, a day after the typhoon hit the town. - Typhoon Vongfong has dumped heavy rains and torn off roofs since it roared ashore on central Samar island on May 14, with hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people in its path on the coast or in flimsy homes.
A fallen crucifix, Alren BERONIO/AFP
Residents stand amongst debris and next to a huge crucifix blown from the church after it was destroyed at the height of Typhoon Vongfong in Arteche town, Eastern Samar province on May 15, 2020, a day after the typhoon hit the town. - Typhoon Vongfong has dumped heavy rains and torn off roofs since it roared ashore on central Samar island May 14, with hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people in its path on the coast or in flimsy homes.
Destroyed houses, Alren BERONIO/AFP
Residents try to salvage belongings amongst their houses destroyed at the height of Typhoon Vongfong in San Policarpio town, Eastern Samar province on May 15, 2020, a day after the typhoon hit the town. - Typhoon Vongfong has dumped heavy rains and torn off roofs since it roared ashore on central Samar island on May 14, with hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people in its path on the coast or in flimsy homes.

한편 봉퐁은 마카오에서 제출한 이름으로 '말벌'을 의미한다.



[MHN 세계] 필리핀 덮친 태풍 '봉퐁’...코로나까지 엎친 데 덮친 격

봉퐁에 20만 명 대피
14일 필리핀 중부의 동사마르주에 상륙해 막심한 피해
빈민가 사람들 피해가 막심


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