[MUNHWANEWS English] Contemporary art through the Pinocchio "Haslla’s Pinocchio Story" 

The sejong center for the performing arts runs "Haslla’s Pinochio Story” in the main art all from 23rd August to 20th October. "Haslla" in a former name for Gangneung, Gangwon City, this “Haslla’s Pinocchio Story” exhibition is taken from the Haslla art world museum in Gangneung.
This exhibition includes nearly 100 Pinocchio marionette artworks by national and international artists and electronic marionette artworks.

As Pinocchio was given a new life by the artisan, I wish the Pinocchio artworks from all around the world will gain a new life by the audience and the audience will enjoy their time at the exhibition.
The admission fee is 4,000 won and there will be a hands-on session for making a personal Pinocchio. Admission fee and hands-on package costs 10,000 won. The exhibition runs from 11am to 7.30pm. Enquiry is available through telephone 02)339-1152.

[원문보기] http://www.mhns.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1507

 MUNHWANEWS NEWSROOM press@mhns.co.kr


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